

Step into a realm of pure elegance with this mesmerizing bouquet of pristine white roses. Each rose, perfectly bloomed, radiates a luminous glow, symbolizing purity and grace. The bouquet is dense, creating an opulent display of nature’s beauty, and is complemented by the dark green leaves peeking through the white petals. The arrangement is set atop a delicate stand, emphasizing its regal stature. Surrounded by four tall, clear glass champagne flutes, this bouquet stands out as the epitome of sophistication, making it an ideal centerpiece for any grand occasion. With the label “010” and a price tag of $40.00, it’s a part of the esteemed “FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS” category. Those wishing to infuse their event with an aura of luxury can effortlessly place an order through the “Email us your order” button.


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